Egzamin B2 z języka polskiego

Egzamin B2 z języka polskiego dla studentów, którzy chcą być zwolnieni z uczęszczania na zajęcia na I i/lub II roku, odbędzie sie 24 października 2015 (sobota) o godzinie 9.00 w sali 119 Centrum Dydaktyczne. Proszę o przyniesienie dowodu tożsamości.


The final re-sit

The final re-sit will be held on 3 dates (due to exam timetable clashes):

1st September 10-11 am room 139 Didactic Centre

2nd September 10-11 am room 139 Didactic Centre

4th September 11.30-12.30 room 139 Didactic Centre

Please let me know as soon as possible if it suits everybody.


Polish re-sit - the third and FINAL attempt for students who do not attend the re-sit on 30 June

The re-sit will be held on 1 (first) September at 10.00 a.m. There shouldn't be any exam timetable clashes but if you do have an exam clash (i.e. another retake scheduled at the same time) and you cannot avoid it please send me an email as soon as you're informed of the dates of your other retakes and I will change the date of the Polish re-sit to a different date within the retake exam period i.e. between 31 August and 4 September.


Information for students who failed the Polish test at the second attempt („the first re-sit”)

You still have the right to ONE re-sit attempt („the second re-sit”). The re-sit will be held on 30 June (10.00-10.45 a.m. DC) and last week August/first week September (the exact date will be posted later). You can choose only ONE date. If you opt for 30 June please send me an email (KONTAKT).

Jolanta Budzyńska



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